Kaddu Zachary (Jukka Kumpuvuori's Research Assistant) graduated (Bachelor of Social Work and Social Administration, Makerere University) in January 2010. The research team gongratulates! Kaddu gave a lecture on Daily Lives of Persons with Disabilities in Uganda in the end of 2009 in Turku, Finland.
The idea of his presentation was, that the realization of human rights of PWDs in Uganda has remained a challenge even in amidst of the legal framework which has been created both at national (Uganda legislation) and international level (human rights treaties). PWDs in rural areas still remain deprived of their rights, fail to access services and are prone to all sorts of Violation. The enactment of legal frameworks is not only good but also the implementation and the practicalities thereafter.
According to Kaddu, we need to design policies that not only foster good intentions but use a bottom-up approach, which incorporates the views of grassroot PWDs in developing agendas. It’s a collective action taken with diligence, focus and a sense of direction to create a disability friendly environment to which human rights are considered and PWDs entitled to enjoy them. Actions of various actors will determine the destination tomorrow which calls for positive attitude, acceptance of who we are and courage to demand and hold all those persons who may jeopardize the achievement of our rights accountable.
Please see the presentation as whole in doc-format here!